Getting Started - Building Focused on My Positions
7:34 In this video we show you the steps used to build an OGraph from the perspective of your Job and your Positions. This is a decision point for Organizations using OGraph. You will need to ask yourself: “Do we connect most Objects to just Jobs, or do we bring in Object Connections at the Position level too?”. This video shows you the steps on how you will build your OGraph with Positions/Roles as the centerpiece.7:34 In this video we show you the steps used to build an OGraph from the perspective of your Job and your Positions. This is a decision point for Organizations using OGraph. You will need to ask yourself: “Do we connect most Objects to just Jobs, or do we bring in Object Connections at the Position level too?”. This video shows you the steps on how you will build your OGraph with Positions/Roles as the centerpiece.